Part 1



minihtml Reference

Sublime Text contains a custom HTML and CSS engine, named minihtml, for displaying stylized content in editor panes.

Formatting html - General Discussion

Is it possible to format html in sublime-text-2? If so, is it a basic functionality or a plugin and what is the shortcut key?

Format or 'beautify' code - General Discussion

Is there an extension or command for sublime text that will allow auto formatting of code, removing white spaces, fixing indents, etc.

HTML-CSS-JS Prettify

This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, React and Vue code.

How to format HTML in Sublime Text 3

Just select all lines ( Ctrl A ) and then from the menu select Edit → Line → Reindent. This will work.

How do I reformat HTML code using Sublime Text 2?

You don't need any plugins to do this. Just select all lines ( CTRL + A ) and then from the menu select Edit → Line → Reindent.

Is there an HTML auto

You can use the Tag plugin(install from package control). Then just press ctrl + shift + p , and type tag . You'll see the option Auto-Format tags on document.

[ Sublime Text ] [ 教學] 如何在Sublime Text 3 格式化程式碼(格式化 ...

但Sublime Text 3 一開始預設並沒有為「格式化程式碼」(Reindent)這個功能綁定熱鍵,開發者必須要自行到「偏好設定」綁定。

How to format and indent HTML code in Sublime text

There are multiple ways we can format a code in sublime text. Using inbuilt formatter reindent or use plugins such as tag, HTML-CSS-JS Prettify.

How to Run HTML in Sublime Text | Quick Tutorial

A quick tutorial on how to run HTML in Sublime Text. Sublime Text is a friendly but powerful text editor for code, markup and prose.

